I Hate Destiny 2 RNG, It’s My Favorite Part Of The Game

A deep dive into the love-hate relationship with Destiny 2’s RNG system, and how it keeps players engaged despite the frustration it brings.

The Love-Hate Relationship with Destiny 2 RNG

The Never-Ending Hunt for the Hierarchy of Needs

Last night, I tried to figure out how many times I’ve run Spire of the Watcher in Destiny 2. Introduced during Season of the Seraph on December 9, 2022, it’s been 81 weeks since then. I’m not the most consistent Destiny player, but I’ve probably been around for at least half that time. Conservatively, I’d say I’ve completed Spire of the Watcher around 30 times—each run taking roughly 90 minutes—and I’ve still yet to earn its Exotic bow, Hierarchy of Needs. The irony of its name isn’t lost on me after 18 months of trying and failing.

RNG and the Community

RNG (Random Number Generator) has been a major topic within the Destiny community lately, especially with the introduction of new Exotic class items. These items come with randomly rolled traits from a pool of existing Exotic traits. Landing the right combination results in an incredibly powerful, build-defining piece of gear. However, with around 80 different two-trait combinations, farming for the perfect roll is far from easy.

Methods to Acquire Exotic Class Items

Currently, you can obtain an Exotic class item through two methods. The first is by completing the Dual Destiny mission, which takes two people about 35 minutes and rewards one exotic class item at the end. The second method involves completing Overthrows and opening chests scattered around the Pale Heart. Occasionally (about once every 90 minutes), you might find one. Each item has a random pair of traits. I’ve farmed around 20 of them, still hunting for one with the exact combination of Spirit of Caliban and Liar. My efforts have been less than encouraging.

The Grind and Community Reactions

Many players are frustrated with this grind. Some dislike the necessity of playing with others, while others are unaccustomed to such pure RNG grinds, which are rare in the game now. Destiny 2 offers four dungeons and eight raids with Exotic weapons that drop randomly on completion, but most other items have a more deterministic acquisition path. Through weapon crafting, vendor engram focusing, and spoils of conquest, luck isn’t as crucial anymore. But Exotic class items remain a rare exception, requiring both time and RNG luck.

Boosting Chances with Challenges

You can increase your odds of getting dungeon and raid exotics by completing specific challenges within each activity. Older raids featured bad luck protection, which increased the drop chance with each unsuccessful attempt, but new raids have not included this feature for a while.

The Hot Take: Embracing the Grind

Here’s my hot take: while the endless repetition can be frustrating, part of us enjoys it. Rare, hard-to-get items in Destiny keep us engaged. They provide goals that drive us to keep playing. My friend and I have been running Spire of the Watcher for over a year, grumbling each time we don’t get the bow but returning the next week to try again. This routine binds us together, and while I hope we eventually get the bow, I know I’ll miss the chase when it’s over.

Instant Gratification vs. Long-Term Pursuit

Ghosts of the Deep, released after Spire of the Watcher in May last year, rewarded me with its Exotic weapon, The Navigator, on my first clear. While I was thrilled initially, now I wonder if I missed out on the joy of the chase. Maybe having something to pursue in Ghosts of the Deep would have been a nice change of scenery from my weekly Spire runs.


Destiny 2’s RNG system is a double-edged sword. It can be incredibly frustrating, but it also provides a sense of purpose and long-term engagement. The rare, hard-to-get items keep us coming back, fostering a community of players united in the chase. While instant gratification has its appeal, the enduring pursuit of these elusive rewards often brings a deeper satisfaction.

This article was originally published on thegamer. Read the original article.


Why is RNG so prevalent in Destiny 2?

RNG adds variability and excitement to the game, ensuring that each playthrough is unique and unpredictable.

How can players cope with RNG frustrations?

Players can focus on enjoying the journey, setting small goals, and celebrating incremental progress to stay motivated.

What are some tips for farming rare items?

Join a dedicated group, complete specific challenges to boost drop rates, and stay patient and persistent.

How does RNG impact the game’s longevity?

RNG keeps players engaged by providing ongoing goals and challenges, extending the game’s replayability.

What changes could improve the RNG experience?

Introducing more bad luck protection and providing additional deterministic paths to rare items could balance the excitement of RNG with the satisfaction of guaranteed progress.

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